Dependability and logistics support engineers have realized that quality work can no longer be based on “corner-of-the-table computations” or on Excel files whose maintainability is not guaranteed. The 2000s saw the widespread use of dedicated RAMS and logistics software that provides undeniable advantages in the production of quality studies.

SATODEV has developed a range of software to meet the needs of dependability and logistics support engineers.

The advantages of these software packages are numerous:

  • correct computations: either without approximation, or with controlled approximation
  • easier monitoring and compliance with requirements
  • understandable and presentable models
  • an ergonomic interface to facilitate day-to-day work
  • ensure the longevity of files over 20 or 30 years
  • use of open formats to facilitate digital continuity
  • maintenance service in case of problems
  • benefit from the experience of a large community of users
  • collaborative working

SATODEV offers a wide choice of tools for predictive reliability computations of components, modeling of complete systems, and computation and post-processing of results.


GRIF ** has been a benchmark software suite for 40 years in systems modeling for dependability. GRIF ** is made up of 12 different modules to best meet system modeling needs.

In contrast to the simplistic choices and approximate formulas sometimes used by competing software, GRIF ** is based on the state of the art and is constantly innovating. Moreover, its ergonomics are designed to guarantee maximum efficiency in the user’s daily work. This software also helps you control the quality of the models you deliver to your customers or to the authorities.

Certifications by several independent organizations attest to the quality of the product’s development, testing and validation processes.

*GRIF is a registered trademark owned by TotalEnergies and used under license.


CECILIA * workshop is a graphical collaborative tool for :

  • Editing and computing fault trees (cuts, probabilities).
  • Editing and computing MBSA models (cuts, sequences, probabilities).
  • Contribute to complementary studies (analysis of common modes, zonal analysis, particular risks analysis, etc.).

MBSA models are based on the “AltaRica Data-flow” formal language.

CECILIA * version 6.1.2 has been qualified by EASA, as part of the certification of Dassault Aviation’s Falcon 6X, for the use of MBSA models to demonstrate compliance with safety requirements (as defined in ARP4754A and ARP4761) for the flight control system.


OREDA is a web application that centralizes feedback from several oil and gas companies, on both onshore and offshore facilities.

By cross-referencing breakdown and maintenance data, the application provides failure or repair rates according to various criteria (equipment families, type of failure, criticality, etc.).



FIDES Lab is the new tool for carrying out a predictive reliability study in line with the FIDES 2022 Guide. FIDES is a pragmatic response to the need for predictive reliability of electronic components in the context of industrial projects.

FIDES Lab uses the OpenFIDES format to guarantee the interoperability of the files required for FIDES studies.

SATODEV created this software in partnership with the Institut de la Maîtrise des Risques (IMdR) and 14 industrial companies. FIDES Lab is available free of charge at https://www.fides-reliability.org/. A Pro version will soon be available, providing advanced features, support and maintenance.

MCS Safety Analyzer

The aim of this software is to be able to quickly apply filters and sortings to millions of cuts, according to their probability and the attributes of the events making them up.
In addition to the classic post-processing of filtering and counting by attribute, this software also validates that a system’s failure condition complies with the requirements of ARP4761A from a DAL point of view (Development Assurance Level).
Compatible with most software on the market thanks to its support for dag/csv/xml formats, it is a complementary tool to modeling and computation software.