
New GRIF 2024 version

GRIF (a technology of TotalEnergies) 2024 is now available. You can download it on We add a lot of new features: GRIF File association is proposed at first start of portable version. Result syntheses can be exported in xlsx format. XLSX format replace the old xls (2003 version) in most of the exports. Batch […]

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RAMS 2017

SATODEV will be at RAMS 2017 from january 23th to 26th. Please visit our booth where you will find the new functionnalities of GRIF-Workshop.

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Programme du Club GRIF 2016

Voici le programme du club GRIF 2016 qui se tiendra le 7 Décembre à l’hôtel Mercure La Défense Charras  (Place Charras, 18 – 30 Rue Baudin, 92400 Courbevoie). 08h30 09h20 Petit déjeuner et Accueil des participants 09h20 09h30 Point sur l’utilisation de GRIF dans le monde 09h30 10h00 Présentation d’utilisation de GRIF : Modélisation de […]

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GRIF 2016

The new 2016 version of GRIF-workshop and its computation engines Moca-RP and Albizia is available. New features are detailled on GRIF website. SATODEV now provide a GRID computing plugin that splits Moca-RP computations on several servers in order to decrease computation time. Feel free to ask us any question about this new plugin.  

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Program of GRIF club 2015

Here is the program of GRIF club that will take place on November 23rd in Paris – La Défense – TOTAL Michelet  tower (Building : A, Meeting room : Jules Meny). 09h00 – 09h15  Welcoming 09h15 – 09h45 GRIF user presentation : Uncertainties analysis with Bool module – Take into account parameters uncertainties in a risk model Florent BRISSAUD – FMDS […]

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GRIF Club November 23rd

As in previous years, TOTAL and SATODEV invite GRIF-Worshop users in La Défense Paris. New features of GRIF 2016 will be presented during this day. You can also show your research-paper or your company-work to other participants. You are invited Monday the 23rd of November 2015 in TOTAL’s Michelet Tower (BuildingA, Jules Meny room) in La […]

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Come and win a Galaxy Tab 4 on our stand at ESREL2015

Every ESREL congressist can try to win a Galaxy Tab 4 on our stand. The name of the winner will be displayed on Wenesday at 17 PM.  

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GRIF Workshop at GTR 22 of IMdR

The next meeting of the GTR 22 methodological research of  “Institut de la Maitrise des Risques  (IMdR)” will be held on Thursday, June 18th in the CRAN-ENSEM of Nancy. During this meeting, 2 presentations are based on GRIF Workshop: “Probabilistic risk assessment considering parameter and model uncertainties” by Florent Brissaud (FMDS industrie); “Some acceleration methods for Monte Carlo simulation based […]

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GRIF 2015

The new version of GRIF-Workshop is available. The 10 modules have been improved; you will found the details on GRIF web-site.    

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Publication in “Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”

A new  SATODEV’s publication (Philippe Thomas and Cyrille Folleau) together with TOTAL (Pierre-Joseph Cacheux, Stéphane Collas, Jean Pierre Signoret and Yves Dutuit) and Fares Innal  is appeared in the “Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”. The theme is Probability and frequency calculations related to protection layers revisited. This article brings a new point of […]

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